Subject: Me, Myself and "I"

Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 17th 2013
Hi Friend,

One of the most powerful practices we can do, to explore our true nature, is to observe the ongoing story of 'me' as it arises throughout the day. The 'story of me' is what keeps our ego, or false sense of self in place and it is this illusory self which obscures our view of our true nature.

In our normal everyday lives, we don't question the idea that there is a 'me' in here. It seems so certain. From being a tiny infant we are told that there is a 'me', and that we are responsible for things that happen. From the earliest age if our cup gets knocked over and our mother says "you did that" or "did you do that?" or "did you spill your milk?" it plants the seed that there is a 'me' in here. By the time we reach the toddler stage the seed has grown and practically everything we touch becomes 'mine'. Parents often have a hard time teaching their toddlers to share!

From this we can see two things:
the idea of 'me' is universal (we all have it), and it is a normal stage of human development. It is part of the development of a normal, healthy ego. Yet on our path of personal and spiritual development, there also comes a time to let it go. In order to let go, we need to closely examine this assumed identity of 'me'. Is 'my' idea of 'me' really who I am?

This past week I have been reading "The Natural Bliss of Being" by Jackson Peterson which gives a succinct overview of the core teachings of many spiritual traditions. They each point to the true essence of human nature, beyond concepts or ideas about ourselves, as simply pure consciousness.

The reason we don't recognize this for ourselves is because we become identified with our 'story of me'.
Observing the story as it arises throughout the day, is such a powerful practice because it helps us to break our identification with 'me' and 'I' so we can see our true nature clearly.

In previous blog posts we already explored the nature of ego, and the process of conditioning (which keeps our ego in place). In the first of a new series I have begun to explore how we can use astrology, in particular the four elements, to observe our own ego at work in our daily lives. See "The Elements and Your Ego - Part 1" We continue this month with the element of fire.

For example if you have alot of personal planets in the air signs you might be identified with what you think. Your sentences and thoughts may begin "I think...". If you have alot of fire you might be identified with what you do, your actions. Your sentences and thoughts might sound like "I will..." water would be feelings "I feel" and earth physical resources 'I have" (or "I don't have").

This is only an illustration and shouldn't be taken too literally: we will explore subtle distinctions in the series. For now it is enough to get the idea so you can begin observing your own story and see where the idea of "me" "myself" and 'I" shows up in your day!
See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.