Subject: New Moon in Taurus - Creating Pathways of Light

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 13th 2015
Hi Friend,

In writing the subject header for this newsletter I almost wrote ‘creating pathways of light in your mind’ and then I realized how the expression ‘in your mind’ is often misunderstood in our society. For many people if someone says ‘it’s just in your mind’ it diminishes it, reduces it, and implies it is at best imaginary and, at worst, it doesn’t really exist at all. So first we need to clarify what is meant by ‘mind’ here.

Your mind is very, very real. In some spiritual traditions mind is considered to be everything. It is who you are. Our mind (or rather our consciousness) is what continues after our physical body has died. Consciousness is infinite and carries the sensory impressions of every lifetime you have ever lived. It is this consciousness that we might refer to as ‘Higher Mind’, while all your conditioned behavior (resulting from your sensory impressions) is your personality. In using the term ‘mind’ in today’s newsletter I am meaning your consciousness, and all of the traces of sensory impressions that you have acquired over many lifetimes that constitutes your personality. All of it.
So with this in mind (excuse the pun!) let’s look at some of the prevailing energy this week because it is a time of huge potential in the evolution of human consciousness. The main themes we'll be looking at here (there are more but we don't have space for everything!) are the New Moon in Taurus making an opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury in Gemini entering a retrograde period, and we’ll consider that against the backdrop of the energy of the three spiritual festivals that we are currently experiencing (see my previous newsletter).

This New Moon in Taurus is the beginning of the Moon cycle that includes the Full Moon of Gemini Season (when the Sun is in Gemini and the Full Moon will be in Sagittarius) and the third spiritual festival: the Festival of Humanity, or goodwill.

On Sunday 17th or Monday 18th of May this week (depending on where you are in the word) the New Moon in Taurus was seeded,
and we will be in the New Moon phase of the lunation cycle until sometime Thursday or Friday (depending on where you are in the world). The New Moon phase is all about new beginnings, planting seeds, initiating something.

The first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is the realm of pure potential and possibility, an infinite myriad of seed ideas, blowing on the wind. Whereas Aries can have more ideas in a single minute than it is possible to implement in one lifetime, when we get to Taurus those ideas get tested for feasibility and practicality.
Are the conditions in place for those seeds to germinate, take root and grow? Taurus is an earth sign and seeds need earth to incubate them and provide the conditions for growth. It is in the earth that a seed actually activates and achieves it’s potential.

Esoterically, Taurus is a sign of illumination and enlightenment. It has a connection with mind because of it’s role in the opening of the third eye, through which our highest intuition is activated.
So in the potential of this ‘seeding’ New Moon in Taurus we have a real opportunity to activate our potential for illumination and enlightenment. Meditation is very important at this time, which brings us to the role of Mercury during a retrograde period.

Mercury went retrograde on Tuesday 19th at 2:49am BST (Monday 18th at 9:49pm EDT) and as we saw in last week’s newsletter this is a powerful time for going deeper in meditation to support the development of the Antahkarana (or Rainbow Bridge) between lower and Higher Mind.
As the New Moon in Taurus sows the seeds of enlightenment, if we take this time to meditate on our Higher Mind, we have great potential to really anchor those seeds into our reality, as the energy of this Mercury retrograde supports us by laying down new neural networks, or pathways of light, that create a permanent ‘communion’ between our lower mind and our Higher Mind, Divine Self, or consciousness. This is a big deal!

Now let’s look at Saturn in Sagittarius. Remember Saturn in Sagittarius makes an opposition to the New Moon in Taurus, or we could equally say that the new Moon in Taurus is opposing Saturn in Sagittarius!
Astrologically, when an opposition occurs, the energy swings back and forth between the two, like a pendulum. It is often interpreted as an “either/or”, “this or that” kind of energy. Yet spiritually it is an opportunity to resolve duality and integrate the opposites, leading towards wholeness.

The lower fear-based octave of Sagittarius often gets caught in belief systems, or man-made ‘philosophies’ that are constructed merely from mental concepts, in a misguided search for ‘truth’.
The highest octave of Sagittarius comes to know deep spiritual truth through personally experiencing the truth of our existence as spiritual beings. Esoterically Saturn rules the ‘structure of mind’. So we can see how the illuminating New Moon in Taurus is tugging at our limiting mental concepts and inviting us to go beyond our existing mental ‘structures’ so we may experience the illuminating consciousness that is beneath it all.

On a higher note Saturn also rules ‘discipleship’ and the path of initiation, while Sagittarius is said to be the sign in which true liberation of mind happens.
Now lets not forget that we are still in the energy of the three great spiritual festivals, which will culminate with the Full Moon in Gemini Season, in Sagittarius on June 2nd at 17:18 BST.

So we have the New Moon in Taurus sewing seeds of illumination, Mercury retrograde creating new pathways to bring greater degrees of light into our physical reality, and the New Moon opposing Saturn in Sagittarius challenging us to release limiting mental structures and concepts that no longer work.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius, as part of the festival of humanity, then calls upon us to stand and take our place: to be of service to humanity by integrating the higher light of this whole period since Easter, deeply anchoring more light into the planet in very real and practical ways, on an individual basis, through our personal experience.

It is vital that you deepen your meditation at this time, observe your own mind, release limiting beliefs and concepts, and allow yourself to take a magical journey with Mercury, through your own ‘underworld’ and out into the realms of light, setting your mind free to coincide with the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 2nd!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS. If you don’t have my eBook “So You Think You Can’t Meditate?” you can get your copy here.
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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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