Subject: Harnessing The Sacred Power of Mercury Retrograde

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 13th 2015
Hi Friend,

This month Mercury turns retrograde around the 18th/19th May and turns direct again on 11th/12th June (depending upon where you are in the world).

Yes it’s that time again when our little friend strikes terror into the hearts of businessmen, computer programmers, train and bus drivers, and even your local neighborhood UPS, Fed Ex or mail person! Well, ok maybe not quite ’terror’ but Mercury retrograde is said to have a disruptive effect on all things ‘Mercurial’ - computers, technology, telecomms, local transport, short-distance travel, commerce and communication.

Certainly in out in the mundane world it is a time to take extra care around these things: double check travel plans, tickets, dates, computer networks, communications, messages, details, in fact - double check everything, and even then there is always the inexplicable that seems to take us by surprise. Mercury (the trickster) seems to have this unexpected side to his nature too, so the best advice of all might be to ‘expect the unexpected’!
Yet on an esoteric level Mercury is considered to be one of the seven sacred planets, and one which plays a vital role in the development of the Antahkarana, or Rainbow Bridge, from lower to higher mind. Retrograde periods are times when we can be more receptive and reflective. Naturally during these periods we tend to draw our energy in, and be more contemplative. If we look at all the areas we normally associate with the activities of Mercury (above) we can see that they all involve an output of energy in some way. So it is natural during periods of Mercury retrograde that we want to withdraw some of our energy from these outgoing activities and place more of our energy and attention on our inner journey.

This is where we can really harness the sacred power of a Mercury retrograde period and tap into the benefits to support our own inner journey.
Mercury also rules the nervous system, our neural networks, our mind, thoughts and mental processes. To be more specific, according to Soul Astrologer Alan Oken, Mercury rules the ‘movement’ of mind (whereas Saturn rules the 'structure of mind' and Uranus rules 'Higher Mind') and this might be a key to understanding how Mercury is able to bridge the worlds between lower and Higher Mind.

During this time if we consciously concentrate on our inner journey we can use the sacred energy of a Mercury Retrograde to deepen our meditation and cultivate more awareness of our inner world.
The more we place our attention on the inner flow of energy in our body, the more calm we will feel. The more often you do this, the more the chattering ‘monkey mind’ settles down, like when the wind suddenly drops and you are in stillness. The more often you do this, and enter your clear, calm, oasis of peace within, the quicker you will be able to do it at will. This is because, under the influence of Mercury, your nervous system has the capacity to ‘rewire’ itself by laying down new nerve pathways to replace the old ones.

This is much more important than it sounds. Everything we experience is largely due to our nervous system sending signals from our sense organs up to our brain.
Depending upon how those nerve pathways are set up we will experience pain or pleasure, fear or love, anxiety or calm. Our nerve pathways are created by conditioning: basically our behavior becomes habitual because the more often we repeat something, the more nerve pathways get created and strengthened to support that behavior. Talk about being in a rut!

When we experience something new there is a tiny glimmer, and electrical spark in our nervous system. If we repeat the new behavior, the body starts building a nerve pathway so that we can ‘learn’: in other words, through experience, we can get better and faster at something.
So the more frequently we can go within and enter our Higher Mind, the quicker and better we will be able to do it, because we will have literally created the pathways in our mind! At the same time old pathways that are no longer used begin to shrivel up and eventually disappear. So we can also permanently let go of states of mind that no longer support us.

So rather than looking to a Mercury Retrograde period with dread and foreboding, we can welcome it as a truly sacred time when it is possible to deepen our 'communion': our ability to connect with our Higher Power. 
We can also release old habit patterns, and obstacles to our path, that no longer support the highest of who we are.

If we fully align ourselves with it we have a great opportunity at this time to make progress on our spiritual path: crossing that bridge to Higher Mind once and for all. As Mercury lays down new neural pathways for accessing Higher Mind more easily on a regular basis, eventually, Higher Mind becomes our permanent state of being!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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