Subject: Moon, Venus, Mars: A Sacred Union

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
February 25th 2015
Hi Friend,

Something that captured our attention and our imagination over that past week was the Moon/Venus/Mars conjunction(1) in Aries which occurred on Feb 20th or 21st (depending upon where you are in the world).

There have been some beautiful photographs trickling through Facebook - some of which I shared on my Facebook page. There are also some beautiful images here on the Gallery.

There is always something magical about these visible events that capture everyone's attention. Just gaze at one of those pictures and you can sense an air of mystery and perhaps even sacredness! So in considering what this might mean, we need to look at the planets involved in this 'union'.

This conjunction happened in Aries and Mars is in dignity in Aries(2), while Venus is considered to be in detriment or debility(3) in Aries. So from the perspective of conventional astrology Mars would be considered in the stronger position while Venus would be considered to be weakened.

However, in Esoteric Astrology there is the concept of sacred planets and non-sacred planets. In our Moon/Venus/Mars configuration last week we had two non-sacred planets, The Moon and Mars, and one sacred planet: Venus. According to Esoteric Astrology, not all planets are considered equal! The sacred planet Venus 'trumps' the non-sacred planets in the sense that she carries the power to transmit higher energy and elevate consciousness.

The Moon is associated with mass consciousness, and this conjunction occurred while the Moon was still in the waxing New Moon phase which means the energy of the New Moon(4) is still very much part of the picture: new beginnings, planting seeds, inspiration. The sign of Aries itself in also associated with initiations and new beginnings, while Mars in Aries creates the space for existence. On a personal level the Moon represents our instincts and emotions, our reactions to others, our emotional and social intelligence.

Mars represents our personal drive: our energy and enthusiasm to drive things forward. Esoterically Mars translates our life-force energy (the Sun) into action, and is associated with Will. At it's essence Mars can be thought of as our Will to live!

And then there is Venus. Conventionally Venus is associated with Love, beauty, art and esthetics. She is thought to enliven and awaken our senses, and how sensuous we are (or not) can often be directly related to the condition of Venus in our chart. This makes sense for a sacred planet, because our whole process of spiritual awakening is experienced very personally and directly, through our five senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell).

According to the Tibetan Master (in Esoteric Astrology) non-sacred planets primarily affect life in our everyday world, while sacred planets "aid in the processes of affecting the fusion of soul and body, of consciousness and form; it will also produce the quickening of the intuition" (The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology, p.506).

So this sheds a very different light on our Moon/ Venus/ Mars 'union'. It's interesting that so many of us were (and still are) captivated by it. It's as though we collectively sense that something important is happening: The Moon and Mars, touched by a sacred planet in a sacred 'union' of love, will and emotional intelligence.

"The Logos(5) of a sacred planet … is occupied with the task of synthesizing into one unit of conscious response and activity, the higher divine aspect … the will aspect.

When this is accomplished, will, love and intelligence are blended and spirit, soul and body are at-one.

Then the quality of divine expression will be divine purpose, impulsed by will, motivated by love and carried forward with intelligence."

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

And so it seems that we have just experienced a beautiful fusion of love, will and (emotional) intelligence. The highest emotional intelligence is awareness of Divine Love, Compassion and a sense of oneness: our spiritual connectedness as one humanity.

From this point we have an opportunity to carry forward the seed of Divine Intention for love, peace, compassion and spiritual awakening for the whole of humanity.

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

1. Astrologically a conjunction is where planets appear (from our perspective on Earth) to occupy the same position in the sky and so their energies are considered to have merged.
2. When a planet is in the sign of it's dignity its energy is considered most free and uninhibited.
3. When a planet is in debility it's energy is considered to be repressed and it's effects are weaker.
4. Some astrological tables listed the New Moon at 29º 59' 53" Aquarius while some listed it at 00º 00' Pisces. My leaning towards a Piscean interpretation (see last week's newsletter) carries the energy of Universal Compassion and flows into the theme of this conjunction. Interestingly the Moon/Venus/Mars conjunction was at 0º Aries (cardinal fire). 0º of any sign is considered a critical degree and carries deep spiritual significance, in particular 0º of the cardinal signs.
5. Logos: the Greek word logos meant "word, speech, discourse or reason" and by the 16th century had come to mean "the Divine Word". In Esoteric Astrology the term Logos refers to a Higher Mind, reason or purpose, so for example there is a Solar Logos and a Planetary Logos.

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Soul Path Astrologer Ruth Hadikin specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: using Soul Astrology to explore your Soul Path and Life Purpose.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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