Subject: New Moon in Pisces: Planting Seeds of Compassion

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
February 18th 2015
Hi Friend,

Today we have the New Moon in Pisces at 11:47pm GMT (6:47pm EST -USA/ Feb 19th 10:47am AEDT) then two minutes later the Sun enters Pisces marking the beginning of this years Pisces Season!

It's hard to believe that the Sun enters Pisces this week. Time seems to be flying faster than ever and before we know it it will be Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere and Autumn Equinox in the Southern hemisphere ( and I still feel as though we only just had Christmas)!
But before we launch into Pisces Season I want to say a bit about the importance of this New Moon...
It's easy to overlook the significance of a New Moon, because we have one every month so it's not a particularly special event, right? Wrong. Some events are extremely special, sacred, and deeply significant, even though they happen often, like a sunrise for example. Every New Moon is a time of new beginnings. It brings new opportunity, a new chance. An opportunity for things to be different than they were before.

At the time of the New Moon we can sew the seeds that will grow and flourish as the Moon's cycle unfolds, but not just this one cycle: the seeds that we plant now will be carried forward through at least the next three Moon cycles and possibly even for life! When the New Moon is in Pisces this is a very significant time indeed. It is an opportunity for us to redeem ourselves, not only as individuals, but as one humanity.

“The 20th century witnessed the greatest suffering, with the greatest number of lives lost
at the hands of other humans,
in the entire history of the species.”

- Gregg Braden, Fractal Time

Suffering and The Age of Pisces
The sign of Pisces is associated with suffering. We are currently in a 'cuspal'* period where the 2000-year Age of Pisces is coming to an end and we are entering a new 2000-year period called the Age of Aquarius. Each sign has it's lower fear-based and higher love-based expression which symbolizes our spiritual journey from fear to love. In Pisces that journey is from fear-based blind faith rooted in illusion, to a deep compassion rooted in the truth of spiritual experience and Universal Love. You can read more about the significance of the Piscean Age in this two-part article in Life Coaching Magazine, but today I want to focus on redemption: what it means and why this New Moon is significant.

The word redemption means ‘re-claiming’. In theological terms, ‘redemption’ is a metaphor for what is achieved through ‘atonement’ or ‘at-one-ment’. It simply means re-claiming who we really are. We can see that through our experiences in the Piscean Age, in spite of our war and suffering, we have reclaimed ourselves spiritually and are ending the Piscean Age with many more people actively experiencing their own individual spiritual path. During this New Moon we have an opportunity to re-claim our spiritual nature even more deeply and anchor it into our everyday life.

During this New Moon we have an important opportunity for sewing the seeds of our future, collectively and as individuals.

This is a time when we can connect with the highest potential of Pisces which is Universal Love, and plant the seeds of love firmly in our everyday lives as compassion. This New Moon is an important time to meditate on how your thoughts words and deeds, will become the seeds of future humanity. If you choose, it is an ideal time for planting seeds of Universal Love and Compassion.

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

*A cusp is a point of transition, from one period to the next.
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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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