Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
  January 30th 2013
Hi Friend,

This has been a strange week for weather here in the UK. We have seen blizzards, snow drifts, a beautiful warm sunny spring morning (on Sunday) and today rain and gale-force winds. As we continue moving through Aquarius Season (Jan 19th - Feb 18th) I've been musing on change, movement, and group consciousness - very Aquarian themes.

Right in the middle of Aquarius Season (at 15º Aquarius - Feb 4th) we have "Imbolc" one of the ancient gaelic festivals heralding the spring. While this little festival is hardly noticed these days, for people in times gone by it was very important. The word imbolc comes from imelk or oimelc, which meant 'ewes milk' and it was the time of year when traditionally the pregnant ewes' milk came in, ready to feed the forthcoming spring lambs*. It was considered a sure sign that spring was on it's way, and the winter was about to recede.

Aquarius has always been a sign of the changing seasons and an 'early sign', of what is to come. Esoterically, Aquarius tells the story of the evolution of human consciousness to the point where we realize we are one: a single body of humanity formed from individuals. Can we see any early signs of this? I think so. I believe we are seeing some shifts towards a higher group consciousness, albeit still on a somewhat primitive level.

There is current debate among sociologists about whether the younger generation of 20 to 30-somethings is more group conscious and less 'selfish' than previous generations. Controversial as this may be, they do demonstrate a mass consciousness that was unheard of in previous generations. Look at the occupy movement, and the current trend for organizing flash mobs, not only for political reasons, but just for fun!

I've heard that humans are the only animals that can keep time to music. What if this is ultimately for a higher purpose? The global coherence project is one of the first initiatives that aims to synchronize the human heart to greater degrees of peace, co-operation and love. Esoterically it is said the Sacred Heart opens when humanity's hearts 'beat as one'. Perhaps at this point in the Age of Aquarius the younger generation are showing us some early signs!

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*This is no longer strictly true since modern farming methods no longer align with the seasons.
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