Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
  January 23rd 2013
Hi Friend,

One of the ways in which we could describe our spiritual path, is that of integrating personality and soul. This is also one of the reasons why I love Soul Astrology, because not only does is describe a mechanism of how spirit incarnates into matter through a human soul, but it gives us a tool whereby we can recognize this process within ourselves.

Using Soul Astrology we can identify our Soul's essence as the highest vibration of our Rising Sign, and we can also see our ego-personality and the habitual patterns of acting and reacting that are symbolized by our Sun and Moon signs. As I observe my own energy and relating dynamics dance throughout the day, it helps me to make a distinction between my Soul experience and personality expression. Ultimately for each of us the energy of our Soul (symbolized by the Rising Sign) wants to be expressed through the highest vibrations of our Sun and Moon signs.

You don't need to be interested in Soul Astrology of course, to observe your own energy, but as a language of energy I find it useful as a tool. Speaking of self-observation, last Friday together with Anya Sophia Mann, I co-hosted our first "Emotional Intelligence and Consciousness Special Interest Group" telegathering of 2013. What a wonderful rich and engaging discussion we had on the subject of stress and how mindfulness can be helpful. As co-hosts Anya and I usually suggest a theme and then participants bring forward whatever areas of interest they wish to discuss. We often joke about discussing 'Life, the Universe and Everything' on these calls - and we often do!

Some interesting topics that people shared on the call included an interesting newspaper story about how meditation could reduce pain; an online stress-test to measure just how much stress you may currently be experiencing; and a National Geographic documentary on the dangers of prolonged stress.

Finally, I've often thought it would be a good idea to have sound-proof stress relief booths on every high street, where you could go inside, scream and shout at the top of your voice, and then come out feeling better! Well it seems some Serbian teenagers have come up with a similar idea. I don't think long-term use would be advisable, because I think it's better to create effective and non-violent ways to reduce stress, but as a short-term 'valve' on the pressure cooker it could help!

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
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