Subject: *NEW* Get your list building set up now....

*NEW* Get your list building set up now....

October 31st, 2015 at 8:40 am EDT

Hi, There are 4 NEW list building landing pages available FREE in now with instructions on set up to work with ANY autoresponder! Just log in and start building a massive list today... Also if you are ...

Earn 10% a WEEK in a Bad Week,,,,,No Selling or Sponsoring,,,

October 29th, 2015 at 7:42 am EDT

Hi,We have just finished our worst week ever with our Managed Account and still made 10% in the week. You would be lucky to get HALF that in a year with your bank! In just 4 weeks we have a 121% ROI and that is without being chained to a computer, cl ...

Make $190 Doing Nothing And With No Risk.....

October 28th, 2015 at 5:47 am EDT

Hi, If you hold shares in Group 1 Co-Op it is looking likely to mature and pay out in 70 days time based on the past 10 days performance. So all is well on track and although the time span is not guaranteed I expect it to get shorter as we progress r ...

A Bad Day At The Office AND A Really Cute Video...

October 27th, 2015 at 5:57 am EDT

Hi, Check out the Penguin video here (it's really CUTE!).... Have you ever had a bad day at work? What if your bad day was making you money at over 100 times the rate you could get by investing in a bank? May ...

Fast action needed....

October 25th, 2015 at 4:19 am EDT

Hi,As of this morning (Sunday Oct 25th) there are only 15 shares left to complete Group 2 and double your money in the next 13 weeks. Shares are only $125 each and double to $250 when paid out. Check it out here ==>> Once ...

The fun for this week ends on a high....

October 22nd, 2015 at 4:31 am EDT

Hi,Here's the latest on the Managed Accounts Program 10! In just 4 weeks we hit 111% ROI - YIPEE!In simple terms that means you already have your money back and are making a profit. See the proof here ==>> Taking it a step ...

Now It's ALL PROFIT....

October 21st, 2015 at 4:35 am EDT

Hi,Here's the latest on the Managed Accounts Program 10! In under 4 weeks we hit 100% ROI and in simple terms that means you already have your money back. See the proof here Taking it a step further you can now draw out yo ...

4% A DAY Interest....

October 20th, 2015 at 6:51 am EDT

Hi, See how much you have made (or could have made) in the share co-op here or with your own Managed Account here It's upto 89% ROI in just over 3 weeks. That's like having $100 in the bank a ...

Are You Missing Out?

October 19th, 2015 at 5:18 am EDT

Hi, Our members are making money every week on autopilot with no effort, no recruiting, no selling and no risk! See up to the minute proof here for our Managed Account members...==>> and here for our shareholders...==>> ht ...

Not A Fatal Accident!

October 18th, 2015 at 7:14 am EDT

Hi,If you accidentally missed out (almost) on the first batch of Guaranteed Income Shares it is not too late! You still have12 hours to be trading on Monday. Get your shares now and start making money within hours If you ...

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