Subject: How To Learn Everything You Need To Know About Book Marketing


How To Learn Everything You Need 
To Know About Book Marketing


WARNING:  FREE Stuff Coming Up

On almost a daily basis I get messages from authors expressing their surprise, shock, upset when they find out that being a self-publisher means they have to undertake a massive job of book marketing.

They don't have the slightest idea of where to start learning about marketing, what to do and HOW to learn it all.

In the end, some of them are immediately up to the challenge, others are reluctantly willing and yet others?  They just quietly disappear.

The reality is ... as an author you learned how to write or create a book. You taught yourself how, you learned from how-to books or you took some courses.

Learning how to market and sell your books is the same process.  ONE step at a time.  ONE learning curve at a time. Over the next few moths I am going to guide you through some of the steps you need to take. 

But to give you a head start, here is MY solution to the constant "learning challenges" I regularly face.

Skillshare is a teaching platform with over 30,000 video courses covering virtually everything you need to learn about book marketing. This is a great place to start leaning about book marketing and right now you can get 30 days on Skillshare for FREE.

My Virtual Assistant is now going though a huge learning curve o  ChatGPT. Here are some of the courses she has been taking.

AI and ChatGPT for Beginners: Understand and Unlock the Power of Generative AI
ChatGPT for Content Creators
ChatGPT for Creatives: AI-Powered SEO, Marketing, & Productivity

And I am taking a few courses on MidJourney (Image AI).

Truthfully, some courses are better than others, but they ALL add to your learning curve.

The fact is learning new "stuff" can be FUN! My VA is so excited by the possibilities of  Artificial Intelligence and has become intrigued by the possibility of creating AI videos.   LOL  ... we may have to set up a YouTube channel or TicTok account for her to play with!

I am fascinated by the amazing images that can be generated with image AI programs.  See my interview with Somtow about his stunning AI book covers.  

Be sure to check out the possibilities of SKILLSHARE with a 30 day FREE trial, and test as many courses as you can manage!


Book Marketing Services

My mission is to help independent publishers and writers market their books and services. To that end I offer inexpensive services on Fiverr.

If you are a Fiverr member ... check out my BEST SELLING gig here.


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