Subject: Unlock the Power of Publicity: Traditional Mainstream Media for Authors


Unlock the Power of Publicity:
Traditional Mainstream Media for Authors

What pops into your head when I say the word "publicity"?

For many, publicity means traditional mainstream media, such as radio, TV, newspapers, and magazines.

For others, it could be YouTube, Social Media, and Podcasts.

Today, I'm going to focus on traditional mainstream media.

If you have a non-fiction, how-to type book, radio talk shows could be a literal cash machine for you. Did you know Jack Canfield built his "Chicken Soup" empire with the help of radio talk shows? He did a minimum of one interview a day, every day, for years!

If you write fiction, radio is OUT unless you are Nora Roberts, Lee Child or one of the few other million $$ best sellers.

There are a few television shows that feature fiction authors. Oprah used to be the biggest, but if you do your research, there ARE possibilities.

Fiction authors will get the most publicity traction by focusing on newspapers and specialty magazine publications.

If you want a laugh, here is a story from my memory vault.

This true story still makes me giggle, several decades later.  The same thing "could" happen to YOU today!

Be sure to think about how YOU can get similar publicity for YOUR book(s).


PS I've included a few links  at the end of the story that can help non-fiction authors get started quickly and easily.


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