Subject: Please Read - Important Message from our Board President

Dear Friends of Family Promise of Butler County,

Amongst all of the good work that Family Promise does for families in Butler County, sometimes difficulty hits us at home. Yesterday our Executive Director sadly lost her daughter. We are all in pain over this loss and our hearts break for Linda. That being said, she has led us to be in a good position to continue to perform our work through this time. The board has developed a plan that should effectively manage the operation and allow Linda to take the time she needs without worrying about FPBC. 

As a part of that plan, we have decided to temporarily suspend new intakes and move our families back to shelter at the hotel. Congregational support and volunteers are so important to our work and therefore we don’t take coming off the rotational model lightly. I know that many of you enjoy the opportunity to interact with the families and share your love and kindness with them. I would ask that even if your church cannot host the families for a week that you look for ways to engage with them by contacting the FPBC team at the office at 513-444-2033. If for any reason you would like to learn how you can engage with our work, feel free to email me at In the case of an emergency over the next several weeks, Doug Reichenberger (Board Vice President) will be available locally and can be reached at

I ask that you pray for Linda and her family, to bring them peace in their time of grief. I would also ask for your continued prayers for our clients and the FPBC team that works so hard to support them.

Thank you for all of the support that you have given to FPBC over the years and I look forward to continuing our mission.

Best Regards,

Scott Ellsworth, Board President

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