Subject: Family pays it forward after receiving help from FPBC

Lives Changed...

After Maya* lost her job in 2019, she, her husband Damian*, and their 4 children found themselves living in a cramped hotel room. Even though Damian was working full time, they soon came up short and had to leave the hotel, with nowhere else to go. Fortunately, they found Family Promise of Butler County (FPBC). While sheltering with us, they were able to obtain childcare vouchers, and Damian was able to save money for rent and other expenses. Six weeks later, with some start-up furniture and household items supplied by FPBC, they moved into more permanent housing, where they still live today. Maya was able to get a full-time job and just last week, when they received double food stamps as part of the Covid relief program, they took the extra food stamps and bought food to help with our families in shelter. 💙💛💜 (*names have been changed to protect privacy)


A little bit of spare change can go a long way towards helping families like Damian and Maya's... How much can you spare?

During the week of March 7-14, leading up to the time change, we will be raising community awareness, and funds, to help change the lives of children and families, experiencing, or on the verge of, homelessness.

ALSO, we have received a matching grant of up to $5000!  

Our "Time.for.change" campaign page will go live on March 7th. Read on for details!


Remember, our "Time.for.change" campaign page goes live on March 7th!

Thank you, as always, for your help in providing every child in Butler County with a place to call home!


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