Subject: Time for Change is Coming Soon!

Change your clocks... change a life!

While we are beginning to see the light at the end of the COVID tunnel, many families are still reeling from the loss of jobs, faith, and sadly, the lives of loved ones. Those living in poverty are at an increased risk, as they lack the critical resources to get out of the cycle. However, YOU and Family Promise of Butler County can make a big impact!

During the week of March 7-14, leading up to the time change, we will be raising community awareness, and funds, to help change the lives of children and families, experiencing, or on the verge of, homelessness.

Our "Time.for.change" campaign page will go live on March 7th. Read on for details!


Remember, our "Time.for.change" campaign page goes live on March 7th!

Thank you, as always, for your help in providing every child in Butler County with a place to call home!


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