Subject: 💌 Thanks for Giving 💌

Dear Friends,


It is that time of the year when we all give thanks to those that matter most in our lives. The Family Promise of Butler County Staff and Board of Directors wish to express their deepest gratitude to YOU, our biggest supporters. 


FPBC’s mission of ensuring all kids in Butler County have a place to call home would not be possible without you and we do not take that for granted. Each year in Butler County, over 1,000 children experience homelessness with their families. Because of you, FPBC was, to date, able to help provide shelter, meals, and services to 38 families, consisting of 56 adults and 78 children.


One of the families served during 2022 lived in their car for 2 months before finding FPBC. Tracy, along with her son, and husband, Jonah, entered our shelter earlier this year. Jonah was involved in an accident where he was hit by a drunk driver. He not only lost his car, but his injuries were life-threatening. Jonah eventually recovered but sustained significant disabilities and is now unable to work. While under FPBC’s care, Tracy was able to obtain employment and Jonah completed his social security disability claim. Due to becoming financially stable once again, the family was able to obtain a 2-bedroom apartment close to Tracy’s job and Jonah cares for their little kindergartner after school. 

The need here in Butler County has never been greater for FPBC services and the demand is only increasing during these uncertain times. This year alone, FPBC assisted 6 families who were living in their cars or a tent. Whether you donated to, volunteered at, advocated for, or attended an FPBC event, you HAVE made an impact in the lives of these Butler County families. 


As the year comes to an end, and you consider the many options you have for that last tax-deductible donation of 2022, we hope you will consider Family Promise of Butler County. You can donate online by clicking on the button below or monetary gifts may be sent by check to FPBC, PO Box 95, Hamilton, OH 45012.

Once again, THANK YOU! Together we can continue the efforts to eradicate family homelessness right here in our community because every child truly does deserve a place to call home. 


Linda Smith

Executive Director


🔵🟣🟡 06.10.2023 🟡🟣🔵

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