Subject: 🍁🍂 Fall News and Many Thank You's! 🍂🍁

Hello Friends!

We hope this email finds you well! It's been a busy season for us. Thanks to so many of you, our Keeping the Promise event was a big success, as we were able to reach our goal of $50,000, raising enough money to fund a much-needed new van! It is currently in production so we just have to be patient and wait for it to roll in!! 🚐 💙

For those of you who weren't able to make it to the event (or maybe you were there but you were busy socializing and enjoying some yummy appetizers...), we'd love to share the video that we ran during the evening. We think it captures the essence of what we do and why, to serve children and families facing homelessness in our community. We hope you will take a few minutes to give it a viewing!

Thank you again to our generous sponsors (see below) and all who came out to participate in any way or in support of our
2022 Keeping the Promise event!

Below are a few photos from the event. Want to see more? Visit our Photo Gallery where you can view, download and share all of the images from the event.

A message from


Executive Director

Did you know that almost all organizations have a vision and mission statement? The vision statement is a declaration of what that organization is anticipating will or may come to be. The mission statement is an official statement that sets the goals, purpose, and work of that organization.

Over the years, these organizations will review their statements and possibly even revise them. These revisions usually clarify the vision and tell an even better story about the goals and purpose. 

FPBC recently reviewed our vision & mission statements. After review, we decided it was time to upgrade both. Below are our new statements.

Vision: Creating a community where every family has a home and a future of promise. 

FPBC sees Butler County as a community where every child and their family, that is experiencing homelessness, will have the opportunity to have a place to call home and a future that is promising.

Mission: To empower families, who are experiencing homelessness, to build a sustainable foundation of independence through a continuum of support services. 

Here at FPBC, we are providing our families with more than just shelter and meals. We are working with each family to regain their independence, with a unique family-based approach of support that includes financial literacy, good tenancy, workforce skills, and childhood development, and those supports will continue after graduation from the shelter. By building this sustainable foundation, families can then move forward to a future that is promising. Our host volunteers are an integral part of this mission too.

FPBC is always looking for new and fresh ideas to serve our families and to help them become independent. Our new vision/mission statements help to strengthen our work goals and clearly state what we believe can be achieved in Butler County.

Until next time,


Meet Our 2022 Keeping the Promise Award Recipients

by Amy Abernathy

During our recent Keeping the Promise fundraiser, we were thrilled to honor two very special people with awards for all of their efforts supporting Family Promise of Butler County.


Larry Brueshaber is our Promise of Hope recipient. Larry has been an integral part of Family Promise of Butler County since its beginning. He has volunteered his time to the organization by being a member of the Board of Directors, which he joined in 2015. He was indispensable to us when we needed transportation and was able to help secure our current van. Larry also assists with insurance contracts, business plans, and working on fund development efforts. Larry, along with his wife Sandy, have also been an extremely generous and constant benefactor over the years to Family Promise of Butler County, donating to our fundraisers and participating in events. 

We are so thankful that he has shared his talents with us over the years and appreciate all that he does so we can keep creating a community where children and their families have a home and a future of promise.


We were also able to honor Doug Reichenberger with our Shining Star Award. Doug joined the Board of Directors just 2 years ago but has become an essential part of the organization in such a short time. He spent countless hours over the course of the past year assisting with contractors during our move into the new Day Center. He even completed several small jobs himself to ensure the Day Center was ready on move-in day. Then, over this past summer, jumped in to cover an unexpected absence. Doug made sure that the families in shelter were cared for and comfortable, while at the same time sorting through an air conditioning crisis at the Day Center. 

It is safe to say that Doug, and his volunteering spirit, is much appreciated and Family Promise is very lucky to call Doug our Shining Star. 

On a final note, while we were only able to honor two individuals at Keeping the Promise, we are so grateful to ALL of our donors and volunteers each and every day!

We couldn't achieve our mission without you!! 💙💛💜

Remember to visit our PHOTO GALLERY to see pics from the event!!


🔵🟣🟡 06.10.2023 🟡🟣🔵

Click here for our Day Center Wish List!


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