Subject: Vegans can behave badly...

They steal, lie and cheat too!
Hey Food Slayer!

Happy Sunday. I hope you are enjoying your day. I wanted to send you a quick message so that you can enjoy this BONUS episode if you're interested in hearing me talk about how the moral high ground of a handful of vegans is crumbling...
Thanks for being here...let's keep the conversation going so we can all have clean, healthy food on our plates!
To be's not JUST vegans...

Lots of people behave badly, lying, cheating and stealing from people. Like everyday, but the thing with vegans is, many of them display their moral high ground while promoting a "healthy" lifestyle, and when they get caught behaving badly it seems to hit people, in their wallets...really hard.
Look. I know this might be controversial.

I've been vegan. I used to be a raw food chef, for crying out loud. I was DEEP into the lifestyle. I promoted juicing and fasting. Heck, I even wrote a book about it. The difference is, I NEVER stole anyone's money. I never lied to people. I never condemned people who weren't vegan. And I never promised anything I couldn't (or didn't) deliver. 

Check out full episode here :

Unfortunately, I can't say the same about Sarma Melngailis, Belle Gibson or the Vegan Teacher on TikTok. Although veganism is at the center of this story, it's deeper than that. 

This episode opens the conversation about morality. 

I talk about these three women because at least one of them, was very close to my raw food orbit during the early 2000', practically right around the corner.

What really struck me about this story was the level of manipulation at play on so many sides. I know so many vegans who put down non-vegans for a variety of reasons, but lest we not forget, vegans are people too and some of them perpetuate a narrative that convinces a lot of people to hand over their money without holding these vegans accountable and asking the right questions of them before it's too late. 

The saddest part of this story is, so many people's lives have been completely ruined by some of these vegans. At least one woman went to jail. And millions of dollars were manipulated out of the hands of people who believed in the "message" and lifestyle of being vegan.

Please note...this episode isn't about vegan bashing. 

The choice is yours if it's right for you. My hope is, that if you do choose to be vegan, that you think for yourself and really dig into your WHY. Always look at both sides of the issue, not just the ones that confirm your bias. You don't have to follow or trust what celebrities or "influencers" show you on social media. The truth is, you never really know what's going on in their "backstage".

Anyway, I appreciate you listening to this episode and sharing it with someone you love. Take good care of yourselves and I'll see you on the other side of the plate.

