Subject: They're living inside you and they ain't leaving willingly...

I'm not even kidding. :(
Hey Food Slayer!

If you are wondering what in the flock I am talking about this week...judging by the subject line of this message, you would probably guess I'm talking about parasites.

You would be 100% correct. And chances are, if you knew they were in living all up in your body parts, you would probably feel disgusted. Ewww...
Thanks for being here...let's keep the conversation going so we can all have clean, healthy food on our plates!
Absolutely disgusted.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to project my disgust on you. You will feel how you feel, but when I contemplated this for the 100th time, I finally decided to do something about it. 

Besides...I'm a livestock farmer and I have a dog, so I know I have parasites. And if you have a cat, or dog, or you eat fish, pork, beef...or you hang out in nature...or you drink water from an unknown source, or eat at a restaurant...or you get bit by a have them too. And they're messin' with your head. Fo'sho...

So, in the words of this week's guest, don't worry. Just fuggetaboutit!
They're easy to forget about...because they're messing with your brain. And mine...I presume that is part of the reason this email is going out so late today....#forgiveme

Spencer Feldman is back for Part 2 of our conversation. If you got some value out of last week's conversation, I hope this episode motivates you to spring into action.

Speaking of is right around the corner, and most people like to do a little spring cleaning. Me too. 

I confess. 

Back in early February, I did two weeks of a parasite cleanse. , so maybe we can think about doing some internal cleaning together...?

Here's what you can expect to hear about in this episode :
  • Toxoplasmosis - Cats & Neurotransmitters 
  • How Toxoplasmosis Alters Human Behavior
  • Eating More Bitter Foods
  • Why we need to breakdown the biofilm
  • Cooperative communities & the cycle of germ terrain theory
  • We’ll never get rid of them all…and they won’t leave willingly
  • Electrical charging and breaking up the crystals inside
  • Creating an inhospitable environment

Check out full episode here :

WARNING : There may be some parts of this discussion that teeter on the edge of uncomfortable. :/

Well, I'll leave the listening to you. I appreciate you. Be safe out there and do what you can to stay healthy!

Don't forget to share this episode with someone you love...and I be back for the Season 8 Finale next week, talking about food inflation...because we're all feelin' it!

