Subject: Verona River Access Update 2021

Dear Verona River Access Program Member:

You are receiving this email as you are a member of our RiverAccess Program, at the Verona site! You will see some new signs at the site and some new areas roped off for this summer. In addition to these parking notes, please review and follow all our rules at the button below!

  1. The western entrance (furthest of the two entrances from Route 11) will be closed this year. Please use the eastern entrance closest to Route 11 only so we can restore the grass under the trees.

  2. As usual, if there is a yellow rope across the entrances, it means that the area is too wet for vehicles. You are welcome to park outside the rope and walk to the River, but please do not drive on the wet grass.

  3. At the eastern entrance, please refrain from pulling in any further than necessary to turn your vehicle around so we don't tear up the grass. 

  4. The 3rd furthest entrance from Route 11 is NOT part of our program, is private property and is not available for you to use.


Enjoy the season!

Program Rules

Friends of the Middle River

P.O. Box 131,

Verona, VA 24482




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