Subject: Your business mentor is wrong

[I'll explain why]

Hi Friend

Most guys in the fitness industry—especially the mentoring side—would think I’m crazy for saying this, but it has to be done.

Sending cold DMs to your potential customers is WRONG.

I know that sounds controversial, but go with me on this …

I do not doubt that whoever started shouting out about it first had good intentions.

And, in the interest of fairness, I will say if you’ve already built up some form of trust with your followers then, reaching out to say hi and ask how they’re getting on – as a conversation starter – can be a lucrative approach.

But here’s where cold DMs fail…

Sending 50 cold DMs daily to build your business isn’t a scalable way to grow your online business. It’s like a neverending treadmill of doom.

What do you do when you’ve grown to your new sales target? Send 100 DMs or more?

See what I mean?

So whilst I’m not saying there’s no possible way to get results by sending cold DMs …

At the same time, you’re probably going to find you:

  • Hate the sight of your phone, tablet or laptop.

  • Burn out fast.

  • Start to hate your chosen career because it feels like a job rather than giving you the financial and time freedom you got into it for.

  • Realise you’re no longer coaching clients to improve their lives.

So what should you do instead?

Create a repeatable system to generate leads that put you in the position to give your clients and prospects what they want at the same time as giving them what they need.

For example… Your clients want to lose weight and get in better shape without having their new diet add huge costs to their weekly food shop.

So give them tasty budget-friendly recipes they can prepare and cook in 30 minutes or less. Using standard equipment you’d find in any family home.

  • Either give to them through your email list (or use it to build one).

  • Give it out through social media using hand-raiser posts.

  • Or give it to people as a conversation starter in the DMs after you’ve made some genuine contact and shown interest in their lives. (Don’t start randomly spamming your followers' inboxes with free recipe ebooks’)

Keep your eyes on your inbox over the next few days as I’ll drop some more emails about our upcoming budget-friendly recipe packs which you can use to generate more leads than you can shake a stick at.

Best wishes,


Ps. I could be bribed to give you the information early if you reply to this email 😆

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