Subject: You always remember your first time

So do your prospects

Hi Friend

You remember your firsts and the way they make you feel inside. It’s a big moment.

The first time you step foot in the gym.

The first time you saw your new home

The first time you, well, I’ll leave that to your imagination.

Your prospects will also remember the first time they land on your social media pages. They know how it makes them feel. And they know instantly whether you’re the person who can help them.

That’s why your content must show them how you can help them. In a way that’s not preaching to them how they shouldn’t do X, Y or Z.

It must speak to their core desires. For most personal trainers and coaches like you…

It’s weight loss.

It must show them how they can achieve weight loss without becoming a burden to their family.

You‘ll have heard the horror stories from people who had that one parent who was obsessed with losing weight…

So they forced their whole family to eat “healthy” by feeding them horrible versions of their favourite foods. Poor attempts at fakeaways they’ve seen their friends at Slimming World make.

Or batch-cook recipes you wouldn’t even feed to your pets.

Showing your prospects how you can help them will convert them into a lead.

Leads are what you must have to maintain and grow your business.

You need a constant flow of leads coming into your business.

So do away with the posting and hoping methods of yesterday.

Get hold of a simpler, time-saving approach to creating content that speaks to what your prospects want to see.

Find out more here.

Best wishes,


PS. If you’re stuck trying to figure out a system to generate a solitary lead. Then I have something that will help you. Click the link to see what you can do to get more leads.

I don't get any leads on my posts

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