Subject: The stress of eating out

Eating out shouldn't be this stressful

Hi Friend 

Picture the scene…

You arrive at the restaurant.

The rushing around of serving staff.

The person greeting you at the door to take you to your table.

Sitting down, ordering your drinks, flicking through the menu, and thinking about what you’ll eat.

You glance up. The place is packed.

You look back down. You know what you’ll eat. And yes, it’s in line with your goals of dropping the last few pounds so you’ll look your leanest when you hit the beach on your next family holiday.

It’s all good. You know how the menu works—the descriptions and how the meal fits into your plan for the day and week.

Now think about your clients.

Do they have the same knowledge and understanding of nutrition you have?

Probably not. They wouldn’t be your client if they did.

What would be running through their minds if they were in the same situation?

Can you imagine the stress and anxiety they could face sitting at the table?

Can you understand how they would be confused, wondering whether to order the fish or the steak?

It’s easy for a fitness business owner like yourself to look at a menu when you’re out and know exactly what to order so it fits with your plan.

It’s not as easy for your clients.

Give them the tools they need to learn and understand the basics, and they’re halfway there to enjoying their night out without any additional stress.

That’s where the Eating-out guide immediately becomes a hardworking asset for your business.

Get hold of your copy by clicking this link.

Best wishes,


Ps. There are more than your regular restaurants included in this guide. It covers takeaways and coffee shops, too.

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