Subject: The Devil in stiletto high heels

They're some painful shoes

Hi Friend

Andy walked into the store, and picked out the best-looking pair of shoes she could afford…

And off to work she went.

For days she was stopped in her tracks, rubbing her feet and ankles. Hoping nobody would notice she was in constant agony.

But that’s the thing, when you work in high-end fashion, everybody notices everything you wear.

Her boss insisted she buy shoes more fitting for her role. Shoes that were more expensive but would last (and stay comfortable).

The Devil Wears Prada can teach you many things about the cut-throat world of high-end fashion.

But this part of the movie gets me thinking about a phrase you often hear, but most people rarely take heed of the lesson behind it.

Buy Cheap. Buy Twice.

It’s true whether you’re buying new shoes, new clothes…

Or investing in assets for your business.

I’m not unaware of the recent deluge of white-label nutrition copy-cats everywhere.

I’m not worried about them either.

You see, while it’s possible to get something like a million recipes for $5 or whatever ridiculously low amount these charlatan companies are charging…

You don’t get anywhere near the quality you pay for when you invest in our recipe ebooks.

With the cheaper companies, you may find you have a limited number of resales. Or you don’t get your business information included unless you pay a separate (much higher) admin fee.

You may find the quality of the photography is seriously lacking. Or that the calories and macros numbers simply do not add up.

Like they said in The Devil Wears Prada—Buy cheap, buy twice.

Cards on the table, I don’t think we’re expensive here at Fitpro Recipes. And with our new pricing structure, we’ve effectively reduced our prices on some of our products.

And our bundles mean you invest even less for most of our products.

All that being said, you get what you pay for.

The success stories from some of our previous clients are a testament to the quality you receive when you order your fitness business assets with us…

Like the popular Winter Motivation Bundle. At an investment of £94, you get 60 healthy winter recipes, an educational ebook, fully branded to your business, complete with all of your business details…

PLUS you receive an unlimited resell and reshare licence.

No sneaky hidden fees. A one-time payment of £94 gives you the tools and resources to keep your clients on track through the dark winter months.

Package and promote this the right way and you’ll earn at least double your investment back well within two weeks of receiving your order.

When you’re ready to simplify your client's success, take a look at the full contents and place your order by clicking here.

Best wishes,


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