Subject: Thankyou Friend

Hi Friend

Thank you for being patient with me while we went through our Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale.

If you took advantage of some of our deals and invested in your business;

Congratulations. You’re one smart cookie ;)

And if you weren’t in a position to invest in your business this time around, I hope you enjoyed my emails and took some of the information shared and got some ideas to help your business.

(You’re also a smart cookie because you’re still here ;))

That’s ultimately my aim with these emails. To help you grow your business.

So normal service will resume.

I’ll be sharing different information that’ll help you become the best possible trainer/coach you can be…

By helping you to reach more clients, and deliver what they're looking for…

Excellent results in their transformations.

Stick around. The fun is just getting started.

There’ll also be some times when I’m promoting something new for you to help your clients. If it comes at a time you can invest, then great. If not, maybe stick along for the ride anyway…

There’s always something fun you can pick up ideas from.

Again. Thank you for sticking around.

Best wishes


Ps. If you ever have any questions about the products and services we have on offer to help your clients, please hit reply and ask as many questions as you like.

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