Subject: Suffering from procrastination Friend

Here's how you beat it.

Hi Friend

Have you ever been putting the finishing pieces together for a new plan or program you want to launch…

And you sit procrastinating over every single detail making sure it’s perfect.

Maybe you’re trying to put together the perfect launch sequence to guarantee sales of your new products.

I get it. I’ve been there too. Which is why I put together the pre-launch pack.

It takes away all of the guesswork you might be putting yourself through to get your product ready for launch day.

It’s a plug-and-play framework you use to generate sales of your new recipe ebooks, meal plans and educational pieces.

And it comes as a free bonus when you invest in any of our Black Friday offers.

Take a look at the three different offers and choose which one you’re going to use your pre-launch pack to reap the benefits of investing in.

Look through the three offers here.  

Best wishes,


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