Subject: Secret to getting your clients to follow the plan

It sounds simple. It’s not EASY. Or is it?

Beat them with a big stick until they submit.

That’s NOT how you get your clients to follow your plan.

Impossible if you work with clients online.

If you work face-to-face, it might be possible. But I still wouldn’t recommend it.

How do you ensure your clients do what they’re shown to do?

You’ve heard the phrase:

“Give a man a fish, and he’ll feed his family for a day. Teach him to fish, and he’ll feed his family for a lifetime.”

You show them how to understand their calorie needs. How to align them with the goal you’re helping them achieve.

Yes, you can give them a specific meal plan. But what will provide them with better long-term results is teaching them how nutrition impacts their goal.

I’m not saying you need to teach them how to be a nutritionist (that’s completely different).

We’ve compiled a heap of resources to create the client education bundle.

Share these with your clients as part of your onboarding sequence when they start to work with you, and blow them away with great stuff from day one. They’ll be walking advocates of working with you and recommend you to everyone who asks how they look so good.

Don’t worry about giving away all of your nutrition secrets. People are selfish (you and I are no different)...

They’ll take the information they need to reach their goals and discard the rest.

Included in the client education bundle is:

1. Client Education Bundle:

- Portion control guide

- Guide to macros

- Guide to mindful eating

All are branded and bespoke to your business.

Price: £75.00

Put these resources to work for your business from day one and see an increase in client adherence. Improving results for them and you.

The cart opens on Wednesday.

Best wishes,


PS. All the bundles available will qualify you as a member of the FitFavour programme if you're not already.

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