Subject: People are in the strangest of places

Become ELO and Mr Bluesky.


When creating a message for your marketing, you need to get inside the mind of your ideal customer.

Sounds simple enough.

Something I see most fitness business owners doing wrong when they do this is they sound the same as everybody else.

To get better, you need to know how to get inside the mind of your ideal client.

The answer is simple. How you do it is the more complex part.

You need to hang out where your clients hang out.

Where are they talking? Where do they let their guard down and share how they really feel about losing weight or getting in shape?

You can do this online in message boards and Facebook groups...

Mumsnet and Reddit are perfect for stuff like this.

But don’t be afraid to get out into the real world.

Attend seminars and networking events if you want to work with business people.

Visit the local slimming club meetings.

And above everything. Engage. Listen. Observe.


Listen to what their burning problems are. And listen to their deepest dark desires.

Your marketing should focus on layers.

Once you know what your clients want, figure out why they want it.

Your clients want to lose weight. Why do they want to lose weight?

Is it because they want to look as good as they did in the little black dress they wore in their twenties?

Or is it because their other half playfully teases them about the slight overhang they have when they wear a pair of jeans…

And though they play along, it secretly hurts them inside, and they can’t bring up the pain it causes them.

Poke around these layers. Because that’s where you’ll find the goods you need to get your message and marketing dialled into the people you can help the most.

Best wishes,


Ps. If marketing your products is something you struggle with, or you need some new ideas to do things differently... as a member of the FitFavour program, you qualify for a call with my head of marketing. Reply to this email, and I'll send you the link to book.

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