Subject: Luke, we’re gonna need a bigger Mirror Mirror.

Hi Friend 

“Luke, I am your father”.

You remember the conversation between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, don’t you?

The exchange is as iconic as the Star Wars movies themselves.

I’m sorry to tell you you’re remembering it wrong.

“No, I am your father," is the correct line.

And I’m sure you remember this line from the Jaws movies:

"We're gonna need a bigger boat."

“You're gonna need a bigger boat,"...

Is what’s said by Roy Scheider's character.

One more, just for fun.

Remember this iconic line from Snow White?

"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"

Nope, that wasn't the line, either.

The Wicked Queen says, "Magic mirror on the wall ..."

You’re probably wondering where I’m going with all of this movie-line nostalgia.

Misremembering lines from movies, songs and TV shows, as well as facts about historical figures, is extremely common.

It’s called the Mandela effect.

A term given after millions of people all over the world think they distinctly remember Nelson Mandela died while he was in prison during apartheid South Africa.

When in fact he only passed away in 2013.

The Mandela effect can plague fitness business owners too.

Especially when you’re convinced you heard your clients ask for one thing—

“I want to get six-pack abs” for example—

A plan which you deliver…

Only for them to tell you they asked you for something completely different—

“I want to grow biceps as big as Arnie’s”.

And despite what you say, they insist they’re the right ones.

This entire scenario can be avoided when you have the right systems and processes ingrained into your entire business.

From content creation – targeting only the people you want to work with…

To your onboarding process.

Onboarding your clients isn’t something in our wheelhouse. However, content creation is. And with our monthly subscription bundles, you can reduce your content creation by as much as half. Attracting the clients who understand the importance of correct nutrition — and can’t wait to get started working to achieve the results and not move the goalposts halfway through.

View the subscription options here.

Best wishes,


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