Subject: Know your role

Hi Friend 

Your role is to help your clients get a result.

But in the pursuit of your client achieving the result…

You’ll become many things to the clients.

A friend.

A mentor of sorts.

A counsellor and more.

But where most PTs and coaches go wrong, is they forget they are the nutritionist.

Being in a position to help your clients with the fundamentals of nutrition will set you apart from a “regular” PT.

Now, I’m NOT saying you need to go and get a degree in nutrition (if you don’t have any qualifications already).

You can fast track your way to providing your clients with the nutritional knowledge they need by investing in products and solutions created by qualified nutritionists…

That will give you AND your client peace of mind, ensuring their needs are met while they go on the transformational journey you’re supporting them.

Qualified nutritionists and chefs create the 100 Recipe Canva Video ebook…

So the recipes meet the nutritional requirements to give your clients a healthy diet…

And they taste as good as restaurant-quality meals for a fraction of the cost of eating out.

And it’s a much lower investment than investing in another qualification.

Our team has done the hard work so you don’t have to.

Invest in your nutritionist and chef-approved 100 Recipe Canva video ebook by clicking below.

Fast-track your client's nutrition 

Best wishes,


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