Subject: I’ve failed Friend

It's not what you might think

Hi Friend

How many of your clients have messaged or said those words to you in person recently?

It’s the New Year. It started so well, and now just over two weeks in, you’re starting to see clients fall off the wagon so-to-speak. Beating themselves up because they ate a piece of chocolate (or something else deemed as “unhealthy” at this time of year).

It’s not your fault Friend. No matter how many conversations you might have had with them, you simply cannot be there 24/7 to track everything they put in their mouth (that sounds weirder than it should 😆).

“I want a six-pack” rarely means they want a six-pack. Because that requires a hell of a lot of work and potential sacrifice I’m sure you can imagine.

What they mean 9 times out of 10 is they want to fit in the smallest pair of jeans they’ve got and not throw them away because “one day I’ll fit in them again”.

So why do so many clients fall off?

In simple terms, The truth is when it comes to your clients staying the course for however long they’re working with you…

It’s about how well they’re set up, and just how built into their goals they truly are.

Set them up correctly, agree to milestones and smaller goals along the way and your client will see progress and stick with it instead of eating a share-size bag of pickled onion monster munch crisps while bingeing on Netflix.

Here’s how you can help them.

As part of their onboarding process, while setting them up for success…

Educate them on the feelings and emotions they WILL feel at some point during their transformation.

Share with them how they can set up a successful environment.

Help them understand their macros, how to stay on track during the weekend and how to arrange their meals and portion sizes.

Let them know they WILL be hungry at points. And share tips to manage their hunger.

Talk to them about mindful eating and how it can lead to even greater success for months and years to come.

Now I know that’s a lot to be thinking about. But it will have a long-lasting impact on your clients. Which is what you want if they’re to recommend you to everyone they know…

Growing your business with you barely lifting a finger.

If you get started today, you can probably have all of the resources ready to go by the end of February (factoring in the time you’ll be spending working with your existing clients as well as working on the other areas of your business).

Or, you could click the link below and have your first draft of your entire client education bundle within the next 7 days.

Now, I know what I’d rather do… It’s spending the time saved with my family, friends and existing clients. While working on the areas of the business I’m strongest at.

Take a look at the client education bundle here and see what you’ll get after you’ve placed your order.

Best wishes,


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