Subject: He’s stealing your clients

who is this mystery guy signing all your clients?

Hi Friend

A former child salesman who decided to stop selling his mother's tomatoes…

And started to sell lemonade with sugar as he could make more money per sale…

…Is on a mission.

That mission is to transform the lives of millionaires by helping them drop to 10% body fat.

If you’ve been around the online selling space for a few years, you’ll have heard of the name Tai Lopez.

If you spent any length of time watching YouTube videos around 2015 - 2019 you’ll probably remember there was absolutely no escaping him. The only way to stop seeing him was to watch his ads so you didn’t get persistently re-targeted.

Love him or hate him, Tai was one of the pioneers of modern-day Internet marketing. Helping people learn how to make money online through coaching.

He’s probably one of the reasons people started to flex their “wealth” online. As he was doing with his Lamborghini in “My Garage”.

Somewhere along the line…

Tai disappeared.

Nobody really knows where Tai went. It’s possible he got so rich he decided to simply call it quits and sail off into the sunset.

So why am I bringing up a forgotten influencer from 2015?

Is it because his NET worth is rumoured to be around $70M?

No. It’s because Tai Lopez is making a comeback.

Scrolling through Instagram and Facebook a while back, I started to see his face in ads again…

Guess what niche he is targeting?

The online fitness space.

Last year Tai purchased a major stake in…

And he’s also launching additional companies in the fitness space.

This just goes to show what a big opportunity the online fitness space provides especially with heavy hitters like Tai Lopez entering it.

As a fitness business owner, you’re faced with a few different options.

You could complain about how the big guys are making it too hard for you to compete (there will always be big guys. Think Slimming World, Weight Watchers, The Body Coach etc.)...

Or, you can double down on your business and realise the opportunity that’s out there.

Because the truth be told, if there weren't, people like Tai Lopez wouldn’t dream of entering unless there was BIG money to be made.

It’s worth remembering this. It can be all too easy to get distracted when you see new players enter your market. Especially when they’re the size of Tai.

But remember this. Hiring a good trainer/coach/mentor is a cheat code for looking, feeling and performing better. You are that person for many people.

Not Tai. Not SW or WW. Not any other fad diet app or system.

Now go find your people.

Best wishes,


Ps. If you’re unsure of what to do in your market, speak to someone. You never know the help you can get until you ask.

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