Subject: Feedback about the 100 Recipe Canva offer

Hi Friend 

I’ve had some feedback from someone who invested in the 100 Recipe Canva Video two days ago.

And let’s say, her feedback doesn’t disappoint.

S.M. wants the freedom to make wording tweaks to the recipes so she can give a bit of autonomy to her clients (pro tip: not all of your clients need everything written down to the letter).

Here’s what she said:

Hi Naomi

My mouth is watering looking at the recipes. I'll just tip along and tweak as I go. I just want to release some recipes each month so this will cover me for a fair few months :D

Thanks for all your help and do let me know if you bring any more out in this format as it saves me so much time.


She also told me she loves how accessible the recipe ingredients are…

You see even though trained chefs have created the recipes in this ebook…

The recipes have been intentionally kept simple, using ingredients most people will have in their fridges and cupboards.

So your clients don’t have to eat the same boring plain rice with chicken and broccoli every night for dinner…

Instead, they can create restaurant-quality meals at a fraction of the calories and cost…

Keeping them - and their families - happy at every meal time.

Grab a copy of the mouthwatering 100 Recipe Canva Video ebook now

Best wishes,


Ps. There are a few other bonuses included. Click the link to see what else you’ll get when you place your order 

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