Subject: Earn an extra £1000 per month

Hi Friend

The average hourly rate for a PT in the UK is £25.

To earn an extra £1000 per month is relatively easy.

You need to onboard 40 hours of personal training clients every month.

An extra ten hours per week.

Add that to the other daily and weekly business-building tasks you have…

Like making sure you’re posting content on your social media channels and email list (you have an email list, right Friend?).

If you’re planning and putting out good quality content for your target market, you’ll spend at least 10-15 hours per week on these tasks.

Plus, you must put out quality lead magnets to attract the right clients you want to work with. So, you’re looking at another 15 hours per week, give or take.

Thirty hours a week on tasks to draw people into your world.

That’s not factoring in the time you need to walk the gym floor, build a connection and rapport with people…

Plus, the time you spend with the clients you already have.

Adding an extra £1000 per month is easy.

If you use the Essential Business Building Toolkit, it becomes much more achievable.

Not only does it contain the resources you need, but it also gives you something money can not buy.


Time is the most valuable resource available to you.

Time is the one resource there’s never enough of.

With the business building toolkit, you get all the time you previously needed to create, market and sell your services…

Handed back to you on a gold platter…

Because we’ve done all of the work for you.

There are all the templates you need to promote your ebooks to your email list and social media.

Five different ebooks are created and ready for you to sell or give away as lead magnets from the second they land in your inbox.

And all the images and videos to create engaging “reel” type posts.

The only thing we can’t give you is someone to walk the gym floor. But with the number of hours you’ll save, you’ll have more than enough time to do this yourself…

And enjoy it.

Free from stress, knowing the promotional side of your business is taken care of.

I’d even go as far as to say you’ll add more than £1000 to your business monthly.

Now obviously, I can’t guarantee it.

That would be unethical of me.

I can say; however, it’s more than achievable for you.

If you want it.

Keep your eyes open for Friday's email; I’ll let you know the cart is open.

Best wishes


Ps. Tomorrow, I’ll add to this crazy offer even more.

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