Subject: Burning cash to stay warm

Hi Friend 

“Papa I’m cold”.

Or most likely…

“Papa tengo frio” in Spanish.

Pablo’s daughter said to him, shivering.

At the time, notorious Colombian drug baron, and rumoured billionaire Pablo Escobar was on the run. Hiding with his family in the Colombian jungle.

On one bitterly cold night, Manuela told Pablo she was feeling unwell and cold.

Now, I can’t believe I’m typing this out to share with you…

To keep his daughter warm that night, he set alight a pile of cash.

Not just a few dollars to start a fire.

But he burned $2 MILLION. In cash.

I think that is truly going the extra mile for your family.

But, and, this is important…

I’m not saying you should set fire to your money to provide for your family and to keep them warm.

But there is a chance you’re already doing the same thing without realising it.

What do I mean?

Ignoring your clients' nutrition dilemmas.

Your clients come to you to lose fat, build muscle, or ‘get in shape’.

You know they need to lift weights and improve their diet to get the results they want…

They think it’s about simply eating the “right foods”. But they don’t know what the right foods are.

Now if you’re a coach that’s ahead of the game, you’ll be offering nutrition support as part of your packages.

But the truth is, the majority of trainers and coaches are simply doing nothing to support their clients nutritionally.

They’re effectively setting fire to cash when they could be banking it.

How do you capitalise on these coaches' mistakes?

It’s so simple it’s almost embarrassing to say out loud.

Offer what your competitors don’t…

Offer your clients the nutrition support they need.

It doesn’t need to come in the form of expensive apps or membership sites (although these could be an option for you as you develop your offer).

A simple series of recipes with video is more than enough to inspire your clients to recreate the meals they see on screen that will almost guarantee their results.

But, and this is important…

I’m not saying by doing this you will generate the equivalent of what Escobar burnt in one night…

But if you’re consistent and persistent in your pursuit of growth…

You could be well on your way to generating a steady 6 figure a year business.

A business you, your family and most importantly your clients will be proud to be a part of.

Join the PRIORITY waitlist to hear more about the NEW 100-recipe Canva protein-rich video pack when it goes live and when you join the list you’ll be amongst the first to hear when it goes live.

Plus you’ll have the opportunity to take advantage of the low introductory price before it goes out to the whole email list.

Reply ‘YES’ to this email and we’ll ensure you’re one of the first to hear about this exciting new product launch!

Best wishes,


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