Subject: An exciting discovery from Emma...

Hi Friend

As you are probably aware, we launched our new service Instagram Recipe Reels last week.

We've been testing out some of the recipe reels and we're excited by the results.

Within just 24 hours of posting the Sweet and spicy Asian chilli chicken recipe, UK-based personal trainer Emma had 1171 views and 28 saves (check out the picture - below left).

The more saves you get on a Reel, the more people it will be shown to in the algorithm.

Another great thing about reels is that in the first few days of posting them, they are still only in their infancy. Reels will routinely gain more views for 4-6 weeks after posting.

In fact, our chocolate brownie recipe (pictured above right) is still getting engagement 7 weeks after we posted it. (Guess that shows how much people love chocolate!! 🍫)

There are only 2 spaces remaining on our Recipe Reels service.

Join today to secure your place. (Multiple payment options available)

And if you're new to Instagram, we'll also be including some super easy training videos to make sure you're up and running in no time!

>> CLICK HERE << for more info.

Any questions? Just hit reply

Best wishes


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