Subject: A sad statistic for gym users

Hi Friend 

How many gym users do you see every day? Almost every day of the year

Yet they still look almost identical to when they first walked into the gym years and years ago.

It’s a sad statistic; around 90% of regular gym goers will see little progress despite their efforts.

They don’t have a mindset problem. They train hard in every session they attend.

They don’t have a movement problem. They’re there. Putting in the work.

They very likely have a nutrition problem, however.

And these are the clients you can help the most.

You don’t need to walk up to them and tell them they’re doing shit because they haven’t got a six-pack (or whatever else is deemed successful).

However, you can engage in simple, meaningful conversations.

Complement them on their commitment to showing up consistently.

Find out what goals they have. Do they want to get stronger? Do they want to be leaner?

The quickest way you can help them is by sharing some form of nutrition guide which aligns with their needs. Either a calorie deficit or surplus.

If it’s a surplus, the last thing they need to be doing is hitting Maccies on their way home.

If it’s a deficit, the last thing they must do is starve themselves on their way home.

I know. I’m preaching to the choir. You already know this.

The people hitting the gym and not seeing results after years probably don’t.

And no matter the answer, have something you can share and give to them to help them get closer to the desired result.

Give and forget (whilst collecting some of their information. I.e. email address).

Will it get you a client straight away? Who knows.

Will it show them you give a shit about them and their results? Resulting in them becoming more likely to work with you in the future…


Either way, helping people is always a good thing.

Spread the love around and see how many people you can help this next week. Who knows what the payoff will be?

Best wishes,


Ps. Let me know if you need simple meal plans or recipe ebooks you can hand out to help people. We have loads of resources available to you that we can brand for your business.

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