Subject: Is it Dusk or Dawn?

Passing the Torch Men's conference coming in January
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Dear Fathers,

There is little visual difference between dusk and dawn when looking at a photograph. The difference may be subtle as to whether the sun is either rising or setting. But with a momentary glimpse, dawn could easily be confused with dusk. Similarly in our world today, what seems to be discouraging when we hear about the abandonment of Christian values by others, could also be seen as the purification process for the believers. This purification can help all of us examine not only why we do what we do, but for Whom we do what we do. The answer to these questions could reveal, spiritually speaking, whether it is dusk or dawn in your family.

I recently heard a story about a concerned father who had observed three families who were once stalwart Christians seemingly no longer walk in a way similar to their past faith. The observant man fretted over whether his family, too, would walk away from the goals, choices, and standards he had led them to embrace. Thankfully, because of his observation, this father was challenged to examine his own standards. Were the standards he had adopted simply because another conservative family had modeled them, or because God had led him personally to hold those convictions?

The struggle this father faced illustrates the importance of not just doing what is right, but having the right reason for doing right. I think every conservative Christian father would love to have each of his children embrace genuine Biblical values that he has held dear, but how does one pass the torch? This is topic of the upcoming Father & Son Men’s Conference, January 18–20, 2018. It is just around the corner, and I encourage each one of you to register and come to Texas for these sessions.

For more information about this event, visit Early registration discount ends Thursday, November 30, 2017.

Also, at that website we have posted two messages for you to hear. Please take the time and invest in your family by watching Peter Magnuson share about the legacy his father, Roger Magnuson, left for him and his family.

View the other touching and yet down-to-earth message by Gil Bates on how to make a difference in lives of your wives and children. These two powerful messages will give you a glimpse of what you can expect from the Father & Son Men’s Conference, as well as encouraging you in your role as a father.

In Christ,

David Waller
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