Subject: Introducing the 2024 Conference Speakers!

Check out the amazing lineup of speakers sharing at our April Big Sandy Family Conference!

Dear Families,

Can you guess what the following four men have in common?

  1. A Chinese national who narrowly missed being present at the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre

  2.  A pastor who has been enthusiastically preaching at the same church for over 40 years

  3. An engineer who formerly worked in the U.S. military space program

  4.  An itinerant evangelist who has preached across the United States and in twenty foreign countries

Besides proclaiming Christ, what do these men have in common? Each one is a speaker at this year’s Big Sandy Family Conference! This year’s conference is set for April 8–12 (register by March 8 to receive a 10% early bird discount on your entire Family Conference registration). We are eagerly anticipating the messages from God’s Word that these men will share with us. 

Described in the opening quiz were Bob Fu, founder of ChinaAid; Johnny Pope, faithful pastor for over 4 decades; Spike Psarris, a dedicated creationist astronomer; and evangelist John Van Gelderen, a well-loved traveling speaker. These men, along with other dynamic speakers, will be joining us for this special week!

From varied backgrounds, interests, and callings—we trust each one has been led by God to instruct, encourage, and bless us with relevant Biblical messages! Do you know another family who would be edified by hearing these powerful truths? Invite a first-time family to attend the conference with you, and save 50% on your conference registration when you both attend.

Make plans to join us in April. Ask God to be preparing your heart now to hear the timely messages from His Word. We look forward to seeing you, your family, and others at this year’s Big Sandy Family Conference!

In Christ,

The Family Conference Team