Subject: From the Archives: A Message for Mothers by Elisabeth Elliot

Dear Families,

With Mother's Day coming later this month, we want to encourage mothers everywhere as they serve their families. Your work is not in vain, and it is not unseen! As you truly serve in secret, doing what the Master has set before you, He will reward you openly!

Some Christians are happy to serve publicly and visibly, such as leading a Bible study or organizing a mission trip. Other believers may shun the limelight but still serve for some aspect of personal gain. What is your response to being asked to serve behind the scenes and for no recognition? Do you welcome this opportunity to serve with joy or respond with pride?

In this Message of the Month, Elisabeth Elliot sets forth a different path: true servanthood. In her simple, direct yet appealing way, Elisabeth shares stories from her past of people who served well. She encourages women to embrace the life God has placed before them—one that often includes hidden service in quiet, out-of-the-way places.

May God richly bless each one of you as you seek to serve Him wholeheartedly!

In Christ,

The Family Conferences Team

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Early Registration Deadline: May 6