Subject: Discovering God in your struggles

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Dear families,

It’s been a chaotic month across the globe. As Christians, we know that God is working all things out for His glory, and for our good—in ways that we often can’t see. In this month’s 32-minute message, Pastor Ron Dunn shares, “I’ve tried to throw off the very things that God has sent to bless me. . . . The greatest things that God has done in my life have been against my pleasure, and against my will.”
“To this day, the Lord keeps me off balance. . . . The Lord hasn’t worked in the ways I expected Him to work. . . . There have been many times that I actually missed God because He didn’t come in the way that I thought He would.”

This message shares about the confession of a Jacob who wrestled with God, and helped Pastor Dunn realize that “our toughest battles are with God, not the devil.” He further states, “Faith is the courage to take these hard things, draw them to ourselves, and let God use them as fuel for the journey.”

Ron Dunn genuinely, but humorously, explains the fresh perspective we Christians can have as we seek the Lord in our struggles. Like Jacob, it may take a wrestling match, but in the process, we discover how God changes us—from the inside out.

We are continuing with plans to have an online Family Conference session each evening from April 27–May 1. For more information, visit

We hope this month's message is a great blessing to you and your family!

In Christ,

The Family Conferences team
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