Subject: December Message of the Month

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Dear Families,

During the month of December, many families around the world celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The greatest gift ever given is the gift of salvation, made possible through the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ. Through Him "all things work together for good" (Romans 8:28a). As we understand the loving goodness of God, we can accept each circumstance in our lives as a gift from Him. Sometimes, however, His "good gifts" come in the rather strange “wrapping paper” of difficulties and problems.

This month’s message will have you smiling at how we finite beings think we have the ability to handle difficult situations. Listen as Larry Guthrie shares about "Lessons That Come in Strange Wrapping Paper."
May God bless each of you with a very special Christ-centered Christmas season!

In Christ,

David Waller
Family Conference Coordinator
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