Subject: Convicted of a Crime She Didn't Commit

Hannah Overton was sentenced to life in prison for a crime she didn't commit.

Dear Families,

We recently heard the story of Larry and Hannah Overton, and were encouraged by the incredible testimony of God transforming their lives through some of the most difficult circumstances one could imagine. Larry and Hannah will be joining us at the Big Sandy Spring Family Conference in April.

In 2006, Larry and Hannah fell in love with a little foster boy named Andrew attending their church. The Overtons longed to provide a home for him and "become his forever family." He would be their sixth child, as they already had five biological children.

A few months later, tragedy struck. Andrew had a sudden illness and died while in their care, passing away from a rare medical condition called hypernatremia. Andrew's unexpected death was heartbreaking for the Overtons. But to compound things even more, Larry and Hannah suddenly found themselves being investigated by the police for supposed misconduct relating to the young boy's death.

Eventually, Hannah was convicted of capital murder and sent to a maximum security prison for life without the possibility of parole for a crime she didn’t commit. This legal action left Larry at home to care for their other five children. During Hannah’s incarceration, God not only held her and her family in His hands, but also used this trial in mighty ways. After seven years of wrongful imprisonment, Hannah was exonerated and all charges were dropped. But by the time that happened, she had left a legacy of discipleship and service that impacted those she came in contact with in prison.

You will not want to miss this opportunity to meet Larry and Hannah and hear their gripping testimony firsthand during the Big Sandy Spring Family Conference! Hannah will also be sharing in one of the special women’s sessions on how we can proclaim Christ in the midst of our pain.

In Christ,

The Family Conferences Team

More Women’s Session Speakers

Ruth Adams

Author, speaker, and second-generation homeschool mom


Big Sandy Spring

Ruthie Westfahl

Coordinator, women’s prison discipleship program


Big Sandy Spring