Subject: A Call to Husbands & Fathers

The Fathers' Conference is February 23-26, 2017. Join us for fellowship with like-minded believers.
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Dear Fathers,

Have you ever been driving down the road and you hear your car make a unusual noise? You know you should check into it, but life is busy. Your wife reminds you several times about the disconcerting sound. You continue to hear it, and then you no longer notice it anymore. You will eventually spend time on the needed repair at some point: either during time you deliberately set aside to address the problem, or at an inopportune time that you need to find a solution to a more serious breakdown of the vehicle.
As a husband and father, you often have a similar choice in your home. You can choose to carefully invest quality time in your marriage and your family or, later on “down the road,” those relationships may be “broken,” leading to years of regret or heartache. What steps have you taken to strengthen and invest in them, or possibly repair your marriage and family relationships? Being proactive involves taking time from your busy life and spending quality time, planning, goal-setting, and shepherding the hearts of your family members.
Tom Harmon recently sat down with his wife and they wrote out their five-year plan. He recalled the very first time they ever did this—he and his wife were on a “date” when they wrote out a list of family goals for their next five years on a fast-food paper bag. That seemingly insignificant exercise proved to be a pivotal point for their family and one from which they have continued to receive benefit.

The New Year is right around the corner. It has been said that if we fail to plan, then we can plan to fail. We need to thoughtfully prepare ourselves and our families by carefully evaluating our direction and hearing from the Lord as to the goals He would have us set. For this purpose we have prepared the Fathers’ Conference, February 23-26, 2017. We have endeavored to make it as affordable as we possibly can: room, board, and conference admission for just $99 if you register before January 1. For more information, please visit
At this time, the Fathers’ Conference is the only event that Tom Harmon will be able to join us for this year. Please invite other dads from your area to hear this engaging, motivating speaker along with Dwain Swanson and Gary Fraley. We hope to see you, too! Come ready to hear what God may want to address in your life, marriage, and family, so you and your family don’t find yourself “stranded on the side of (life’s) highway.”

In Christ,

David Waller
ATI Director

P.S. We have scheduled a Family Week at the same time as the Fathers’ Conference. This will allow families to serve alongside our staff to make the Fathers’ Conference all it can be as well as meeting the need of those dads who desire to bring their families with them.
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Family Conferences, 1 Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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