Subject: Thanks for the "DriverX" Love!

Dear "DriverX" Subscribers,

On this Valentine's Day, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for joining our mailing list--we LOVE our fans--and also give you a quick update on what's happening in the ole "DriverX" garage, (that's actually literal...our editing suite is in a garage!).

The one page website you visited when you joined our mailing list belies all the activity going on behind the scenes. Right now we're busy editing the film, having just brought on Eric Strand, the editor of our last two films (Pig and The House That Jack Built). We still have some more shooting to do, but we're going to get to a rough cut first, then decide what we really need to get. Since we own the camera and our main location, a black Prius, and have easy access to our lead actor--the terrific Patrick Fabian--shooting these pick-ups is relatively easy for us. 

We're also gearing up our Social Media. If you've been following us on social media you may have noticed more activity in the last few weeks. We've hired a couple of social media folks to help us develop our presence there and that's been a big success so far. We've been growing our following and adding fans to the film and we expect to ramp that up even more in the coming weeks. If you're not connecting with us on social media, please join us. We follow back and we like to hear from our fans on these platforms. And if you're doing something interesting that you'd like us to share, make sure we know about it. You can find us here:


The biggest development to share with you right now is our impending Kickstarter campaign. If you're not familiar with Kickstarter, it's the largest fundraising site for creative projects in the world. Artists, inventors, and other creative people and endeavors use Kickstarter to raise funds (in the form of a donation) and raise awareness for their projects. This will be our third Kickstarter campaign and we're busy right now working on a video that explains what the film's all about, developing our campaign page, and coming up with creative rewards to give to our Backers. That's a lot of the fun of Kickstarter--figuring out fun rewards to give away at the various donation levels. So, for instance, if you give $25, you might get your name in the credits and a digital download of the film. Give $1,000 and you might get a private "Uber" ride around LA with lead actor Patrick Fabian! 

Crowdfunding works best when there's a crowd, so we hope that you will share our campaign with your friends and family. Besides the money raised, this is probably the most important goal of the campaign--to connect with potential fans of the film. The money is important too. The funds raised will not only help us finish the film, but also allow us to license some great music from legendary musician Daniel Ash, the founder of the seminal rock bands Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, and Tones on Tail. He is even interested in going into the studio and recording some tracks specifically for the film.

We hope to launch in early March and run a roughly 30 day campaign. With Kickstarter, the funds are all-or-nothing, so we'll have 30 days to raise the money and that's it. If we don't raise the whole goal, we don't get anything. We'll certainly let you know as soon as we pull the trigger, and hopefully some of you will want to contribute. I think you'll find some of the rewards we're cooking up pretty exciting. And if there's anything you'd be interested in seeing us provide as a reward, don't be shy. Send us any suggestions you might have. If you're curious to see what we've given away in the past, you can visit our past campaigns for Pig and The House That Jack Built. 

Ok, that's about it for this update. I hope you're having a great day with the people you love. Looking forward to getting back in touch with you soon! Until then, keep on motoring!

2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
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