Subject: You're spreading the word

How will we reach another 7,348 souls?

Thanks to your prayers and support, we’ve grown Divine Mercy for America’s outreach to 7,348 active prayer warriors...

...folks just like you who are praying every day for our nation.

And we’re excited to let you know that our growth continues. We’re currently averaging 31 new prayer warriors per day!

In large part, our growth is thanks to you

You’re the one out on the streets, sharing the Divine Mercy message with folks, and pointing them back to Divine Mercy for America’s website, where they can dive more deeply into Jesus’ message of mercy.

Now, we need to strengthen and grow our online presence, and we can’t do that without you.

We need your help to fuel our mission so that we can reach an additional 7,348 souls. All it takes is your gift of just $10 per month.

Can we count on you?

Please prayerfully consider joining our ranks of monthly donors to help fuel our efforts to reach more souls both online and offline.

Thank you, and God bless.

Thank you for all you do to live and spread The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

God bless you and may God bless America because of you!

Dave and Joan Maroney

Directors, Mother of Mercy Messengers

An apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Celebrating 20 years dedicated to helping others learn about, live, and spread the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Thanks be to God!

Divine Mercy for America

Praying for our Country as St. Faustina Prayed for Hers

Mother of Mercy Messengers is a proud member of CEMA.