Subject: 2018 Bond Town Halls

Dear Neighbors,

One of my favorite things about representing Austin is the high level of engagement in the community. From the start of my campaign for City Council, I have heard extensively from folks concerned about a wide spectrum of topics. Feedback on issues within District 10 has consisted of projects such as the revitalization of Old Quarry Branch Library; the preservation of Lions Municipal Golf Course (Muny); an improved strategy to increase affordable housing units; and the allocation of money for pools, parks, and open spaces, including the use of funds for the acquisition of public lands. Funding for city projects like these will be the focus of town halls hosted by the Bond Election Advisory Task Force (BEATF). The task force is asking for community input to help its members develop recommendations to Council for a 2018 bond package. These will be interactive town halls with various stations where residents can declare their interests and support for types of projects to be funded by the bond.

Several town halls have been scheduled throughout the city in the upcoming weeks:

•  Nov. 28 – University Hills Branch Library, 4721 Loyola Ln. – 6:30-8:30 p.m.
•  Nov. 29 – ACC South Campus, 1820 W. Stassney Ln. – 6:30-8:30 p.m.
•  Nov. 30 – Carver Museum, 1165 Angelina St. – 6:30-8:30 p.m.
•  Dec. 4 – Spicewood Springs Library, 8637 Spicewood Springs Rd. – 6:30-8:30 p.m.
•  Dec. 5 – Northwest Recreation Center, 2913 Northland Dr. – 6:30pm-8:00pm
•  Dec. 7 – Hampton Branch Library at Oak Hill, 5125 Convict Hill Rd. – 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Residents can get involved either by attending one of the town halls or by taking the online survey. The task force will also be meeting in January 2018 and will announce details on the public meeting soon. That information will be posted here. Additionally, the city has provided an online bond simulator that allows folks to adjust dollar allocations within the given bond categories and submit their preferences to the task force. The simulator will be open through Dec. 8, 2017. Please note that bond funding for parks can be found in two places within the current bond structure – "Parkland & Open Space" and "Reinvestment in Facilities & Assets."

If you have questions about the input process, please contact Marion Sanchez, Community Engagement Consultant, at 512-974-2955 or via email at For technical questions on the bond, feel free to reach out to staff liaison to the BEATF, Katy Zamesnik at (512) 974-2832 or via email at

Kind regards,

Alison Alter
Council Member District 10

301 W 2nd street, Austin, TX 78701, United States
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