Subject: [Weight Loss Made Easy] A gift for you

Hey Friend,

Last time I asked for your help with my NEW GROUP COACHING PROGRAM, WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY, and many of you responded.

If you still have something you would like to share with me, just reply to this email.  Check out "here's how you can help below."

I have just created THREE brand NEW videos around The THREE Pillars of Permanent Weight Loss that I shared with you last time (see below).  These are the three principles that are the foundation of EVERYTHING I teach my weight loss clients.

Anyway, check your email because on MONDAY, July 11th, I will release the first of the three videos: FOCUS ON WHY YOU EAT, NOT JUST WHAT YOU EAT!

If you can't wait for the video, listen to my last podcast episode on WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY.

I will ALSO have a FREE 10-page pdf download to go along with the free videos. 

So, if weight is an issue for you, PLEASE watch the videos and share them with someone who they can help.

If you want me to beg I will because I talk with dozens of women each month who are struggling with their weight.  

And I created WEIGHT LOSS MADE EASY and the free video course to teach you EXACTLY  what I do with my private clients so that you can STOP struggling with your weight!

Just following the recommendations in the FREE videos will set you on the right path toward PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS!

  1. Focus on WHY you eat, not just what you eat.
  2. Practice daily NON-NEGOTIABLE habits to guarantee your success, AND setup GUARDRAILS to prevent yourself from regaining the weight.
  3. Lose weight the way you want to live your life…don’t do anything to lose weight that you’re not planning to maintain for the rest of your life.

  • Online training modules with all the lessons I teach my private clients.
  • Weekly GROUP coaching calls.
  • Weekly Q&A sessions.
  • In depth Monthly Coaching videos (you can request a topic).
  • Private Facebook group for members only.
  • And most importantly, you will get to work with ME every week.
And the best part, it will be little as $2/day...that's just a cup of coffee (And less than your daily Starbucks habit)!

  • What's been your biggest challenge over the years in maintaining your weight loss? I want to make sure I address that.
  • Over the next week I'll be sending out some videos addressing the three pillars of weight loss, please watch them and forward the link to someone who they might be able to help.
  • Hit REPLY to this email and let me know if you want to be a part of this program when I launch it within the next couple weeks.  And also let me know what you want me to address.
  • SHARE the free video links with someone.
Talk soon,
Dr. Del

PS. Can you share this email with someone who is struggling with her/his weight?

del millers, 13175 fountain park dr #a412, playa vista, ca 90094, United States
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