Subject: I'm sorry

Hey Friend,

I owe you a HUGE apology.

I was just doing a client review of what’s happened in the last six months. In just that short span of time, my clients have been able to:

  • Drop a combined 145 pounds!
  • Several have completely gotten off medication for high cholesterol and hypertension.
  • A few have reduced their A1C significantly and have gone from prediabetic/diabetic to normal or non-diabetic.
  • Two have also reduced their C-Reactive protein (CRP) levels from nearly 20, which is high, to below 10, which is normal. CRP is a measure of how much inflammation is in your body.
  • Several who were on the fence about hormone replacement therapy, no longer needed it.

Most of all, my clients are learning to love themselves and feeling comfortable and confident in their own skin again. One client even told me on our last call that she’s looking forward to wearing a bathing suit again next summer for the first time in 20 years. Wow!

I’ve been so busy helping THEM achieve these kinds of extraordinary results that I haven’t had the time to share with YOU how you too can get your sexy back and build robust immunity against viruses like covid-19.

For that, I’m really sorry.

Every day I’ve been hearing from people who are struggling to lose weight. An email from someone who finds herself sinking deeper and deeper into depression. A Facebook message from someone who is hiding a diabetes diagnosis or some other health challenge from their family because they’re scared.

The truth is, it’s not hard to fit back into those clothes you haven’t worn in years. It’s not hard to balance your hormones naturally. It’s not hard to protect yourself from the ravishes of viruses like covid-19. It’s not hard to get your sexy back, even if you haven’t felt sexy in decades. It’s just that I’ve dropped the ball helping YOU get those kinds of results.

No more.

I’ve opened up some time in the next week to speak to some ultra-committed people about how you can fit into those clothes you haven’t worn in years and feel sexy and confident again in the next six months, without diets, deprivation, or turning your life upside down.

There’s no charge for this and it’s totally free.

But it’s not for everyone.

Here’s who I can help:
  • You must have a BIG goal you desperately want to achieve, such as losing 30 or more pounds, reversing your prediabetes/diabetes, or reducing or getting off your medications.
  • You must be READY to do whatever it takes to achieve those goals within the next six months, no excuses!
  • You must have an emotional attachment to the results you’re looking for and a BIG reason why it’s important to you.

If you’re tired of feeling uncomfortable in your own body, and you’re ready to start getting real results, then I’m making the time to show you how it’s done.

Click here to book your session:

All the best,
Dr. del

PS: This email is going out to over 20 people. Spaces WILL fill up fast (there’s only one of me)!

Click here now and book your session before it’s too late:

And in case you missed my last webinar, please watch the replay BEFORE our call here:
del millers, 13175 fountain park dr #a412, playa vista, ca 90094, United States
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