Subject: Realizing Success: The Importance of Sub-Cultures

Leadership Insights for Business Success
January 2019
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Realizing Success: The Importance of Sub-Cultures
Senior leaders need to be focused and selective in their efforts to influence and leverage the various sub-cultures within their company. It’s worth considering these four key steps to help advance your company’s change agenda...
One of the most consistent themes in performance feedback for senior leaders relates to their personal influence and impact on organizational culture

Whether it’s to strengthen, modify or even transform a company’s culture (the shared values and assumptions that drive behaviour), there’s always keen interest by various stakeholders regarding progress in this arena. Board members, shareholders, staff and clients all have good reason to ensure that executives are leveraging culture to drive overall performance.

Recently, while gathering narrative 360 feedback for a CEO in the health care sector, I was struck by the radically different responses to a question regarding progress and accomplishments in leading a transformation of the company’s culture. Some respondents talked about real changes that had occurred in terms of enhanced patient focus, higher staff engagement and improved inter-department collaboration. Others, however, had a very different perspective – nothing much had changed.

Why the major difference in perspective within the same company? It turns out that the various functions, work units and teams had very different perceptions of the CEO’s influence based on....

Around The Web: Noteworthy News & Research

Where Organizational Culture is Headed
Now more than ever, workplace culture can’t go undervalued. In Katzenbach’s Center 2018 survey of more than 2,000 people in 50 countries, one finding stands out: Employees feel less positive about their workplace culture than their employers. It’s an issue that’s urgent and undeniable. A whopping 80% of respondents say their organization’s culture must evolve in the next five years for their company to succeed, grow and retain the best people.
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Three Big Leadership Clichés—and How to Rethink Them
Here are three popular clichés from the leadership playbook that can get you into trouble, and some reformulations to help make your leadership more effective.
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