Subject: Accelerating Your Change Efforts

Leadership Insights for Business Success
October 2017
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Accelerating Your Change Efforts

Leadership teams can strengthen strategic alignment as well as accelerate change and transition by employing these five key strategies...

With so many organizations undergoing change these days, it’s not surprising that leaders are pulling out all the stops to ensure that they’re successfully adapting and thriving in today’s marketplace.

Culture, strategy, leadership and engagement are often the most common levers being employed to support change and transition. For many leaders, these four domains are viewed as cornerstones to both short- and long-term success. To be successful, companies need to be intentional about each of them and how they align to support one another.

As part of discussions with a prospective client earlier this month, the two company owners asked me which one (strategy, culture, leadership, engagement) they should emphasize since they, and their teams, were really stretched by demanding workloads and limited time.

My initial response would have been something about pushing on all four aspects at roughly the same time. Success comes from the iterative process of moving these pieces forward in a relatively synchronized pattern. But when I asked a few more questions, it became obvious that they.......
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Too often, low-risk decisions get escalated up to the executive leadership team. The reality is that every individual, including the CEO, has limited cognitive resources – resources that should be reserved for addressing the most fundamental issues facing the company at any given time. The biggest mistakes often occur when those at the top are using their mental energy on decisions that are not that critical.  
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300-1095 McKenzie Ave.
Victoria, Canada V8P 2L5
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