Subject: Best Worst First on Kindle!

Best Worst First on Kindle!

February 20th, 2014 at 7:26 pm MDT

Dear Friend, I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS!! The best-selling, new generation network marketing classic, Best Worst First is now available on Kindle. And the EVEN BETTER NEWS is that because you are a part of my "tribe", you have the inside track. Marth ...

Best Worst First on Kindle!

February 20th, 2014 at 7:25 pm MDT

Dear Friend, I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS!! The best-selling, new generation network marketing classic, Best Worst First is now available on Kindle. And the EVEN BETTER NEWS is that because you are a part of my "tribe", you have the inside track. Marth ...

Best Worst First on Kindle!

February 20th, 2014 at 7:24 pm MDT

Dear Friend, I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS!! The best-selling, new generation network marketing classic, Best Worst First is now available on Kindle. And the EVEN BETTER NEWS is that because you are a part of my "tribe", you have the inside track. Marth ...

Best Worst First on Kindle!

February 20th, 2014 at 7:23 pm MDT

Dear Friend, I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS!! The best-selling, new generation network marketing classic, Best Worst First is now available on Kindle. And the EVEN BETTER NEWS is that because you are a part of my "tribe", you have the inside track. Marth ...

Best Worst First on Kindle!

February 20th, 2014 at 7:21 pm MDT

Dear Friend, I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS!! The best-selling, new generation network marketing classic, Best Worst First is now available on Kindle. And the EVEN BETTER NEWS is that because you are a part of my "tribe", you have the inside track. Marth ...

Important webinar tonight with Erin Honorio

February 20th, 2014 at 1:40 pm MDT

Hello Modere family, Don't miss this webinar tonight with Erin Honorio! Erin is having extraordinary success promoting the Modere products. She has fine-tuned a simple system of communication that has her, as well as her team winning promoter shares ...

Go Elite 3 Calls and Announcements

February 11th, 2014 at 10:20 am MDT

Hello Modere Family, Woohoo! The Modere official launch has happened. To get the scoop on the launch event, held at the Beverly Hills Hilton on February 6-8th, please join your Director and Elite leaders on tonight's night's call. Tuesday, Februa ...